Apr 29, 2019
Alexandra Kuykendall, podcaster and author of a new book, LOVING MY ACTUAL NEIGHBOR, is my guest on this episode of Graceologie. As Christians, we know we are called to love our neighbor. But what we too often don't know is how to begin. How do we love our neighbor? Where do we start? What does this look like in our...
Apr 22, 2019
Dr. Veirdre Jackson, CEO of LIVING STRONG Consulting is my guest on Part 2 of this new episode of Graceologie. She’s an award-winning author, educator, entrepreneur and advocate. Veirdre and I have a powerful discussion of how our beliefs CONTROL our BEHAVIOR. We also talk about trauma and TOXIC STRESS, and...
Apr 22, 2019
Dr. Veirdre Jackson, CEO of LIVING STRONG Consulting is my guest on the new episode of Graceologie. She’s an award-winning author, educator, entrepreneur and advocate. Veirdre and I have a powerful discussion of how our beliefs CONTROL our BEHAVIOR. We also talk about trauma and TOXIC STRESS, and the neurological...
Apr 15, 2019
Amanda Bacon is my guest on the new episode of Graceologie. She’s a member of the Proverbs 31 Ministry team, is a wife, mom, blogger and the co-author of a new book: Shiny Things. In this clutch conversation, Amanda and I discuss how you can live on purpose in a world of distractions.
Episode show notes:
Apr 8, 2019
Jennifer Dukes Lee is my guest on the new episode of Graceologie. She's a storyteller, Iowa girl, grace dweller and author of several books, including her latest: It's All Under Control.We talk straight about the control freak in all of us and about a new way of living that will free you to be you, and finally...